Author Archives: jayme @ bakeeatandgrow

Being your bad self.

20 quick tips to be your bad-ass self. Based on stuff I liked from this article.    

Snack attack.

Hi everyone! So, as you probably know, I’m in school for Professional Baking. I absolutely love being a student, and I’m having a great time in the program. So far, I’ve learned a lot about breads, muffins & quickbreads, and I’m currently “studying” cookies. I spend a lot of time around freshly baked, really delicious […]


Hey readers! As you can see, I haven’t been very present in the blogworld. Starting school in September sent my life in a busy, unexpected direction. I absolutely love being a student, and I love “working” in the bakeshop everyday. There has been some real challenges (like not having a bill-paying job and trying not […]

Kawaii Crepe.

Winnipeg has this little area called “the village”.  At least I’m pretty sure that’s what the kids call it these days. It’s actually Osborne Village, and it’s a really cool spot.  To me, it feels almost like a piece of the Vegas strip.  There are a bunch of trendy clubs, quaint places to eat, unique […]

New affirmations.

My new affirmations: I am strong and resilient. I am humble and modest. I am no better than anyone else. I am working hard to achieve my goals, and I will continue to work hard. I will focus on my own skills, and I will stop comparing myself to others. I will make the best […]


My mama and I haven’t always had the best relationship. What teenage girl gets along with her mom all the time? (None do, in case you’re wondering.) We share a birthday (true story). We share hair, eyes, body shape (except the boobs), sense of humour, a love of reading. She believes in me, big time. […]

grow: the dieting train.

I’ve been feeling fat again lately. There are tons of companies saying “It’s almost bikini season, buy our diet plan and slim down for summer!” and trying to make money off me. I also have my dance shows coming up in June, and I’m feeling lots of self-applied pressure to not look like an “adult” […]

Bake: Chocolate silk pie.

I love to daydream about complicated, extravagant sweets. The time and effort that goes into some desserts blows my mind. However, I think when I’m a ballin’ pastry chef/bakery owner, I’m going to stick to simple, universal dishes that I know taste amazing. I would feel like an ass trying to serve some over-the-top dessert […]

April goals.

You may have noticed I didn’t do a post for my goal progress last month. I spent the first half of March depressed as the dickens, and only started to feel like my cheery self again last week/this weekend. March yearly goal progress: . Worked out regularly (4-6 times per week). Mix of running, dance, […]

A little wisdom.

“Life is more than our bodies. We need strong, healthy bodies to live our life to the fullest, but when our bodies become our whole lives, we miss out on the things we wanted those bodies for in the first place.” – from this post, thanks to Fab @ 50.